Monday, March 17, 2008

Red Wigglers and Garbage Disposals

A friend of mine just forwarded me an interesting article he heard on NPR this morning. Raleigh, N.C. is having issues with their sewer lines and garbage disposals. I knew many people were putting kitchen waste down the disposal thinking they were reducing the waste in the landfill. Yes they are reducing the waste, but they can also recycle their waste at home without damaging the sewer lines. I used to put veggie waste down there too before I had red wigglers. Now I am putting that waste in my worms bins and producing super rich compost for my gardens and indoor plants. Whether or not people use red wigglers, I think it is so important to compost.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Things are rolling

Wonder Worman is growing! Super Composting Red Wigglers will soon be in the bins of LaPine Middle School and Tumalo Elementary School. Both of these schools are located in Central Oregon. These red wigglers will help with the reduction of the school waste. The compost made from the red wigglers will be used for their community gardens.